Murphy USA stations are already typically the cheapest posted price for gas, so additional savings are just icing on the cake!
Murphy USA stations are located at Wal-Mart's in the following states:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
While these state represent about half the nations population, Murphy USA has plans to add stations at Wal-Mart's across the US.
Let's say gas is $2.95 a gallon and you need 20 gallons to fill-up. Here are two ways to save:
1) Save $0.03 a gallon by using a Wal-Mart giftcard. Just fill up a giftcard and save money every time you fill up at Murphy USA. Meaning instead of $2.95 you paid 2.92 per gallon! You saved $0.60.
2) Apply for Wal-Mart Discover card and save $0.05 a gallon every time you use your Wal-Mart Discover at Murphy USA Stations. Also you get 1% cash back on purchases. So instead of $2.95 you paid 2.90 saving $1.00. However you can save even more as you'll get $0.58 back. So you'll save $1.58, all for just using the Wal-Mart Discover Card.